Friday 22 June 2012

Appa (아빠)

A man behind every girl’s story. A son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love. An Angel sent from heaven. They are our father. Someone that holds your hand at the fair , makes sure you do what your mother says, holds back your hair when you are ill, holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, brushes that hair when it is tangled because mother is too busy, lets you eat ice cream for breakfast but only when mother is away, he walks you down the aisle and tells you everything’s going to be okay, shines with pride when you succeed, and has faith in you even when you fail.
People are different in their own way. Your father may be like strict, kind, mother-like, considerate and affectionate, thoughtful, genius, hardworking, over protective, or defensive. My father was like all of the above. He’s very considerate and loving like my mother, defensive like a lawyer, strict as a teacher, clever as an author and thoughtful like a friend to me.
“Sir Gloria”, that’s the typical name called by his co-leagues, friends, students and other ordinary people who have known him for his profession. But for me, he’s just the greatest father whom I call “Daddy”. He’s mostly recognized because of his vocation and thriving background. As a professor, you would think he is harsh. But as a father, he is a very down to earth person. A very generous and open-handed person. Like every father, he always thinks what’s best for his children. He always tells me what’s right. It’s not because I’m already in high school, that I can’t make mistakes. I’m so lucky to have my father, who’s always there to teach me a lesson that I felt I have grown up as a better person. He’s like a best friend to me, willing to give advice, lend something you don’t have, listen to your problems and be there when you needed. He always sees to it that I’m okay.
“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, singers of songs.” - Pam Brown. My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. I've been on this incredible journey and I've seen and learned so much. I thank my father so much for all his support, love, and trust in me.

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